
Gestörter Zufluss zum Tank - Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Situation

Dr. Baum stellt auf der 11. IFK Maßnahmen für einen geordneten Speicherzufluss vor.
Dr. Baum, Geschäftsführer, stellt Maßnahmen für einen geordneten Speicherzufluss vor. FLUIDON präsentiert vom 19.-21.03.2018 auf der 11. IFK in Aachen Lösungsmodelle für fluidtechnische Anwendungen.

Ungeordneter Speicherzufluss - Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Situation

To reduce cycle times, hydraulic drives become consciously more dynamic, what consequently leads to higher fluid exchange rates. On the part of the pressure supply no effort is too big for the design engineers. The return pipe to the tank is, however, often still calculated with rough formulas. This can lead to damages to the plant by cavitation, water hammers and diesel effects and is no longer up-to-date. On investigating water hammer events in tank-pipes it becomes obvious that an examination with simple rough calculations is not leading to the desired results. Too many factors must be considered at the calculation of water hammer. Fortunately, nowadays the numeric simulation can calculate the pressure gradient and the pressure am-plitude of a water hammer in very good approximation. Thus, by means of simulation a basic understanding of the problem in the tank pipe can be achieved. In this contribution the boundary conditions which lead to the emergence of a water hammer after cavitation are introduced. Calculation examples explain the differences of water hammers in drives with HLP fluid and with HFC fluid. By the combination of the simulation results to nomograms, a practice-fit tool is introduced, which can be used to assess the water hammer vulnerability of a drive already during the project planning. The presentation of possible constructive remedial measures completes this contribution.

Disordered flow to the reservoir – measures to improve the situation, Speaker Dr. H. Baum, 21.03.2018, Time: 15:50

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